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New publication: Spontaneous assembly of redox-active iron-sulfur clusters at low concentrations of cysteine

11th October 2021

Congratulations to Sean Jordan, Ioannis IoannousHanadi RammuAaron Halpern, Rafaela Vasiliadou and their collaborators for the publication of their latest paper in Nature Communications! They show that FeS clusters form spontaneously with just cysteine, Fe and S. The same clusters as those used by cells to reduce CO2. Were they also the first cofactors at the origin of life?

  • Jordan SF, Ioannou I, Rammu H, Halpern A, Bogart L, Ahn M, Vasiliadou R, Christodolou J, Maréchal A, Lane N. "Spontaneous assembly of redox-active iron-sulfur clusters at low concentrations of cysteine" Nat. Comm, (2021) [link]


New preprint: A prebiotic basis for ATP as the universal energy currency

7th October 2021

A preprint is available on bioRxiv for the paper by Silvana Pinna, Cäcilia Kunz, Stuart Harrison and Sean Jordan

  • Pinna S, Kunz C, Harrison SA, Jordan SF, Ward J, Werner F, Lane N. "A prebiotic base for ATP as the universal energy currency" bioRxiv, (2021) [link]


Media coverage for the Nature Ecology & Evolution paper

5th November 2019

Our protocell paper has had quite the coverage!

Here is where you can find all the articles that have been written about it:​ Read: Mail OnlineMore: Express, Times (£), Independent, IFLScienceFox NewsYahoo! NewsNew York PostThe ConversationNews18 (India) and UCL News.



New publication: Promotion of protocell self-assembly from mixed amphiphiles at the origin of life

4th November 2019

Congratulations to Sean JordanHanadi RammuIvan Zheludev and our collaborators for the publication of their latest paper in Nature Ecology & Evolution! By creating protocells in hot, alkaline seawater, the team has added to evidence that the origin of life could have been in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Here's a 'Behind the Paper' blog Sean wrote about their paper!

  • Jordan SF, Rammu H, Zheludev I, Hartley AM, Maréchal A, Lane N. "Promotion of protocell self-assembly from mixed amphiphiles at the origin of life" Nat. Eco. Evol, (2019) [link]


New publication: Isoprenoids enhance the stability of fatty acid membranes at the emergence of life potentially leading to an early lipid divide

17th October 2019

Congratulations to Sean Jordan and Eloise Nee for the publication of their latest paper in Interface Focus! This work explains how the physical differences in the stability and aggregation of protocells they observed may have shaped the divergence of bacteria and archaea in early hydrothermal environments.

  • Jordan SF, Nee E, Lane N. "Isoprenoids enhance the stability of fatty acid membranes at the emergence of life potentially leading to an early lipid divide" Interface Focus (2019) 9(6): 20190067 [link]


New publication: Possible mechanisms of CO2 reduction by H2 via prebiotic vectorial electrochemistry

17th October 2019

Congratulations to Rafaela VasiliadouSean Jordan and our collaborators for the publication of their latest paper in Interface Focus! In this work they analyse whether vectorial electrochemistry can facilitate the reduction of CO2 by H2 under alkaline hydrothermal conditions using a microfluidic reactor.

  • Vasiliadou R, Dimov N, Szita N, Jordan SF, Lane N. "Possible mechanisms of CO2 reduction by H2 via prebiotic vectorial electrochemistry" Interface Focus (2019) 9(6): 20190073 [link]


Professor Nick Lane's inaugural lecture: Living History – How energy shapes lives

2nd October 2019

Professor Lane talked about the events in his life that got him to this point, from earning his PhD at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School (now UCL Medical School) in 1995 to his current research.

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